All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- factory(ConsumerFactory<String, String>) - Method in class api.mpba.rastvdmy.config.KafkaConsumerConfig
This method provides a KafkaListenerContainerFactory bean.
- filterAndSortUsers(HttpServletRequest, int, int, String) - Method in class api.mpba.rastvdmy.controller.UserProfileController
Filters and sorts user profiles.
- filterAndSortUsers(HttpServletRequest, Pageable) - Method in class api.mpba.rastvdmy.service.impl.UserProfileServiceImpl
Filters and sorts user profiles based on pagination.
- filterAndSortUsers(HttpServletRequest, Pageable) - Method in interface api.mpba.rastvdmy.service.UserProfileService
Filters and sorts user profiles based on the provided criteria.
- FinancialDataGenerator - Class in api.mpba.rastvdmy.service.generator
A utility class for generating various financial data, such as bank numbers, IBANs, CVVs, and more.
- FinancialDataGenerator() - Constructor for class api.mpba.rastvdmy.service.generator.FinancialDataGenerator
- FinancialStatus - Enum Class in api.mpba.rastvdmy.entity.enums
This enum represents the financial status.
- findAllByAccountId(UUID) - Method in interface api.mpba.rastvdmy.repository.CardRepository
Finds all cards associated with a specific bank account ID.
- findAllByBankIdentitiesId(List<UUID>) - Method in interface api.mpba.rastvdmy.repository.BankAccountRepository
Finds all bank accounts associated with a list of bank identity IDs.
- findAllByBankIdentityId(UUID) - Method in interface api.mpba.rastvdmy.repository.BankAccountRepository
Finds all bank accounts associated with a specific bank identity ID.
- findAllByCurrency(String) - Method in interface api.mpba.rastvdmy.repository.CurrencyDataRepository
Finds all CurrencyData entities by their currency type.
- findAllBySenderAccountIdOrSenderCardId(UUID, List<UUID>) - Method in interface api.mpba.rastvdmy.repository.PaymentRepository
Finds all payments associated with a specific sender account ID or any of the given sender card IDs.
- findAllByUserProfileId(UUID) - Method in interface api.mpba.rastvdmy.repository.BankIdentityRepository
Finds all bank identities associated with a specific user profile ID.
- findAllCurrencies(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface api.mpba.rastvdmy.service.CurrencyDataService
Finds all available currencies.
- findAllCurrencies(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class api.mpba.rastvdmy.service.impl.CurrencyDataServiceImpl
Retrieves all available currencies.
- findAllExchangeRates() - Method in interface api.mpba.rastvdmy.service.CurrencyDataService
Finds and retrieves all exchange rates.
- findAllExchangeRates() - Method in class api.mpba.rastvdmy.service.impl.CurrencyDataServiceImpl
Retrieves all exchange rates from an external API and updates the database.
- findByAccountIdAndId(UUID, UUID) - Method in interface api.mpba.rastvdmy.repository.CardRepository
Finds a specific card by its account ID and card ID.
- findByCurrency(HttpServletRequest, String) - Method in class api.mpba.rastvdmy.controller.CurrencyDataController
Retrieves currency data by currency type.
- findByCurrency(HttpServletRequest, String) - Method in interface api.mpba.rastvdmy.service.CurrencyDataService
Finds currency data by the specified currency code.
- findByCurrency(HttpServletRequest, String) - Method in class api.mpba.rastvdmy.service.impl.CurrencyDataServiceImpl
Retrieves currency data for a specified currency type.
- findByCurrency(String) - Method in interface api.mpba.rastvdmy.repository.CurrencyDataRepository
Finds a CurrencyData entity by its currency type.
- findByEmail(String) - Method in interface api.mpba.rastvdmy.repository.UserProfileRepository
Finds a UserProfile entity by its email address.
- findByNameAndConnectedToUserId(String, UUID) - Method in interface api.mpba.rastvdmy.repository.BankIdentityRepository
Finds a bank identity by its name, connected to a specific user ID.
- findBySenderAccountIdAndId(UUID, UUID) - Method in interface api.mpba.rastvdmy.repository.PaymentRepository
Finds a payment by the sender account ID and the payment ID.
- findBySenderCardIdAndId(UUID, UUID) - Method in interface api.mpba.rastvdmy.repository.PaymentRepository
Finds a payment by the sender card ID and the payment ID.
- findByUserIdAndBankNameWithAccounts(UUID, String) - Method in interface api.mpba.rastvdmy.repository.BankIdentityRepository
Finds a bank identity by user ID and bank name, fetching associated bank accounts.
- findByUserProfileIdAndBankName(UUID, String) - Method in interface api.mpba.rastvdmy.repository.BankIdentityRepository
Finds a bank identity by user profile ID and bank name.
- findCardIdByPaymentId(UUID) - Method in interface api.mpba.rastvdmy.repository.PaymentRepository
Finds the card ID associated with a specific payment by its payment ID.
- FIO_BANKA - Enum constant in enum class api.mpba.rastvdmy.service.impl.SupportedBanks
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form