All Classes and Interfaces

This class represents an access token for a user in the system.
Repository interface for managing access tokens in the database.
A Data Transfer Object (DTO) that represents a request to update a user's details by an administrator.
This class is responsible for the configuration of the application.
Main application class for the MPBA API application.
This class represents a custom exception in the application.
Controller for handling authentication-related requests such as user signup and login.
Custom implementation of AuthenticationEntryPoint used to handle authentication exceptions.
Service interface for authentication operations, including user sign-up and authentication.
This class implements the AuthService interface and provides functionalities for user authentication and registration within the banking application.
This class represents a bank account in the banking system.
Controller for managing bank accounts.
Mapper interface for converting between BankAccountRequest and BankAccountResponse.
Repository interface for managing bank accounts in the database.
A Data Transfer Object (DTO) that represents a request for a bank account.
This class represents the response for a bank account in the system.
This interface represents the service for managing bank accounts.
Service implementation for managing bank accounts, including account retrieval, creation, and deletion functionalities.
This class represents a bank identity in the banking system.
Controller for managing bank identities.
Mapper for converting between BankIdentityRequest and BankIdentityResponse.
Repository interface for managing bank identities in the database.
This class represents a request for a bank identity.
This class represents the response for a bank identity in the system.
Service for managing bank identities.
Service implementation for managing bank identities, including retrieval, addition, and deletion of bank identities connected to a user's profile.
Factory class for creating bank transfer payment objects.
This class represents a bank card.
This enum represents the category of a card.
Controller for managing bank account cards.
Mapper for converting between CardRequest and CardResponse.
Factory class for creating card payment objects.
Repository interface for managing cards in the database.
This class represents a request for a card in the banking system.
This class represents the response for a card in the banking system.
Card service interface for managing card-related operations.
Implementation of the CardService interface for managing user bank cards.
This enum represents the status of a card.
This enum represents the type of card.
A strategy for validating a country by checking if a country exists by checking against an external REST API.
This enum represents the currency types.
This class represents the response from the currency exchange rate API.
This class represents the currency data.
Controller for managing currency data.
Mapper for converting between CurrencyDataRequest and CurrencyDataResponse.
This interface represents the repository for the CurrencyData entity.
This class represents a request for currency data, including the currency code and the corresponding exchange rate.
This class represents the response for currency data.
Service for managing currency data and operations.
Service implementation for managing currency data.
Validates the date of birth for a user.
A strategy for validating email addresses.
Utility class for encryption, decryption, and hashing operations.
This class is responsible for handling errors in the application.
This class represents an error response in the application.
A utility class for generating various financial data, such as bank numbers, IBANs, CVVs, and more.
This enum represents the financial status.
A service class for generating access tokens for user profiles.
A record representing the details of the generated token.
Filter for JWT authentication that extends OncePerRequestFilter.
This class represents the response for JWT authentication.
Service interface for managing JWT (JSON Web Token) operations.
Implementation of the JwtService interface for managing JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
This class is responsible for the configuration of Kafka consumers.
This class is responsible for listening to Kafka messages.
This class is responsible for the configuration of Kafka producers.
This class is responsible for the configuration of Kafka topics.
This class represents a message in the system.
Controller for handling message-related requests.
Mapper for converting between MessageRequest and MessageResponse.
This interface represents the repository for the Message entity.
This class represents a message in the banking system.
This class represents a response for a message in the banking system.
Service interface for managing messages within the application.
Implementation of the MessageService interface for managing messages between users.
A validation strategy for validating names.
Enum representing the sorting order for pageable requests.
Validates the password according to the specified rules.
This class represents a payment in the banking system.
Controller for handling payment-related requests.
Mapper for converting between PaymentRequest and PaymentResponse.
This class represents the parameters required for processing a payment in the banking system.
Factory interface for creating Payment objects.
This interface represents the repository for the Payment entity.
This class represents a payment request in the banking system.
This class represents a response for a payment in the banking system.
Service interface for managing payment operations within the application.
Implementation of the PaymentService interface for managing payment operations, including bank transfers and card payments.
This enum represents the types of payments that can be made in the system.
Validates a phone number based on a specific format.
Enum representing various categories of purchases.
This class is responsible for handling exceptions in the application.
Security configuration class for the application that extends Spring Security's capabilities.
Enum representing supported banks.
Validates the surname of a user.
Interface for user validation services.
Service for extracting token and getting user data from the request.
A validator class that validates user data fields using different validation strategies.
This class represents a request for user login.
This class represents a user profile in the banking system.
The UserProfileController handles all operations related to user profiles in the application.
Mapper for converting between UserProfileRequest and UserProfileResponse.
This interface represents the repository for the UserProfile entity.
This class represents a request to create or update a user's profile in the system.
This class represents a response for a user profile in the banking system.
Service interface for managing user profiles within the application.
Service implementation for managing user profiles.
This enum represents the roles a user can have in the system.
This enum represents the status a user can have in the system.
This class represents a response containing a user token.
This class represents a request to update a user's profile information.
Strategy interface for validating user data.
Utility class for common validation methods.