Package api.mpba.rastvdmy.service.impl
package api.mpba.rastvdmy.service.impl
ClassDescriptionThis class implements the AuthService interface and provides functionalities for user authentication and registration within the banking application.Service implementation for managing bank accounts, including account retrieval, creation, and deletion functionalities.Service implementation for managing bank identities, including retrieval, addition, and deletion of bank identities connected to a user's profile.Implementation of the CardService interface for managing user bank cards.Service implementation for managing currency data.Implementation of the JwtService interface for managing JSON Web Tokens (JWT).Implementation of the MessageService interface for managing messages between users.Implementation of the PaymentService interface for managing payment operations, including bank transfers and card payments.Enum representing various categories of purchases.Enum representing supported banks.Service for extracting token and getting user data from the request.Service implementation for managing user profiles.